Guest Post: David Turner, Indigenous Philanthropy Advisor

David’s Bio

The entire week I’ve had opportunities to participate in a variety of events and activities related to Truth and Reconciliation first hand. On September 29th, 2023, I had an opportunity to witness a young woman who identifies as a Settler, provide a group of us with a poem that she wrote reflecting on her own personal experience related to this National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Contained in the poem were phrases I’ve heard before. Phrases specifically related to the numerous apologies to Indigenous people over the years, dating back to 1998. Jane Stewart, the Federal Minister of Indian Affairs as it was called back then, provided an apology, “A Statement of Reconciliation” (The Government Apologizes | Facing History & Ourselves). From that process came the TRC that started in 2007, and then on June 11, 2008 Prime Minister Harper issued a public apology in a joint session of Parliament.

Over these past two decades I have not been moved emotionally by any of the speeches delivered by The System (Government) regarding genuine remorse or commemoration…

Until today.

The delivery of the poem actually moved me.


For some reason, today, I feel healing and relief from hearing this poem. It isn’t necessarily the words I heard. Rather, it is how it was how those words were spoken; from the heart. It connected in some way that I wasn’t expecting at all.

Reconciliation takes time. It requires both side to come together in order to begin the healing process. I can’t speak for other intergenerational survivors of their experience regarding healing. I do know that it isn’t until we begin connecting at a deeper level of understanding, genuine kindness, and humility, that we will begin walking together on this path for reconciliation.

Truth & Reconciliation (TRC)

Our work with Silver Gummy Foundation in creating a path towards Truth and Reconciliation started with learning. Coming to the table with openness and curiosity, and welcoming in a circle of Knowledge Keepers. The Knowledge Keepers are individuals representing Nations, Treaties and Regions across Canada. They walk alongside the Trustees and team the at K&C as equal partners in contributing to the efforts of Truth and Reconciliation between Grant-makers and Indigenous organizations. I think that this approach, of seeking guidance, genuinely engaging in conversation to learn, and coming together rooted in kindness, are true acts of reconciliation. This type of healing benefits both mainstream and Indigenous communities. Working together and healing together takes time and effort. As we commemorate this Second National Day of Truth and Reconciliation let’s commit to investing this time.

What to learn more?

For more information on Daivd’s work in Indigenous Grantmaking visit our website: Indigenous Grantmaking. Or email us at